1. no doctype
  2. lang not language
  3. no metadata
  4. Two opening HTML tags
  5. h1 closing tag missing
  6. no opening p tag
  7. mismatched ol/ul tags
  8. Missing closing p tag
  9. Closing img tag instead of closing a tag
  10. No alt text in img
  11. source not src
  12. Unclear whether or not the image is supposed to be linkable, I made it so because I think it makes more sense for "click me" to guide user towards image click
  13. No closing table tag
  14. No center tag in HTML5, must use css
  15. No bgcolor attribute in HTML5
  16. comment left open
  17. link missing closing tag
  18. mis-nested em and p tags
  19. em tag where it should be a u
  20. li in a descriptive title; should be dt
  21. li in a descriptive list description; should be dd

Welcome to My Error-Filled Page

This is a paragraph with mismatched tags and missing closing tags.

  1. Item 1
  2. Item 2
  3. Item 3
  4. Item 4
  5. Item 5
  6. Item 6
  7. Item 7
  8. Item 8
  9. Item 9
  10. Item 10

This is another paragraph without proper indentation.

Meme that explains the two states of every programmer
Click me!
Name Age
John 25
Jane 30
Error Image
This is centered text.


Link without closing tag

Underlined text

Descriptive Item Title
Descriptive Item Text